Visiting Scholars

Each year, CTEGD is home to a number of visiting scholars. Many of the scholars are associated with the research group’s collaborators, but others come to CTEGD to learn a specific technique or training opportunity. For scholars wishing to visit CTEGD to conduct research with one of our labs, the steps below should be followed.
CTEGD offers a short-term (up to 3 months) fellowship to international researchers to visit UGA. Learn more about our Training in Innovations in Parasitological Studies (TIPS) Fellowship.
Step 1: Make contact with the faculty sponsor
Whether there is already an established collaboration or the scholar is visiting independently, the first step is to contact the faculty member whose lab you wish to visit. Any scholar wishing to visit UGA for research purposes must have a faculty sponsor.
Step 2: Identify funding
Depending on the type of research collaboration the visiting scholar is entering into with the faculty sponsor, a number of funding sources exists:
- Training grants
- CTEGD offers a fellowship that funds 6 weeks to 3 months of research for advanced international trainees associated with CTEGD overseas research programs.
- Home institution
- Faculty sponsor
- Personal funds
Step 3: Make travel arrangements
Typically, international scholars require a J-1 VISA in order to conduct research at UGA. The faculty sponsor and CTEGD administration can assist you with obtaining a DS-2019. Note: the DS-2019 is required for the scholar’s VISA appointment with the consulate. International visitors may also wish to visit UGA’s Office of Global Engagement website for more information.
Athens is located approximately 60 miles northeast of Atlanta. A shuttle service provides transportation from the Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport to UGA. Groome Transportation provides 19 round trips daily between Athens and the Atlanta airport.
Groome stops on the UGA campus at the UGA Hotel and Conference Center on Lumpkin Street. The Georgia Center is an easy 5 – 10 minute walk to Paul D. Coverdell Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences where most of CTEGD laboratories are located.
For scholars who will be visiting for 12 months or less, housing is available on UGA’s Health Sciences Campus. Space is limited and reservations should be made as early as possible. Even if the exact dates of arrival and departure are unknown, it is best to reserve space based on the earliest date of arrival and latest date of departure. The contract can be amended when the true dates are known.
The Health Science Campus is on the UGA bus route and apartments are fully furnished.
For scholars staying longer than 12 months or if space is not available at the Health Sciences Campus, there are a number of rental options. Several websites provide rental information for the Athens area. Be advised that UGA’s fall semester begins in August and most students rent apartments off-campus. Members of the lab you will be visiting may know of available housing. You may also find the Red & Black Apartment Guide useful.
Step 4: Arrival at UGA
Upon your arrival at UGA, you will need to check-in with the Office of Global Education (OGE). You can do this online and OGE should email you instructions for using the iSTART system. You will also be required to attend an orientation session and pay the International Scholar Compliance Fee.
Within 10 days of your arrival you must provide proof of insurance. More information, including a list of reputable providers, is available here.
If you are receiving funds from UGA to support your visit here, you should check in with Susan Caldwell, UGA’s international tax coordinator, in room 205 of the Business Services Building in the Payroll Department. Susan can advise you on whether you should get a Social Security Number. The Business Services Building is located Downtown at 424 E. Broad Street. The North-South bus will take you from Coverdell to the Human Resources Building. It is a short walk from there to Business Services.
If you need to open a checking account and do not have a Social Security Number (SSN), Bank of America does not require one. A branch of Bank of America is located downtown on the corner of Lumpkin and East Clayton Street.
For those with a Social Security Number, a number of banks have branches in downtown Athens which is located on the border of north campus.
A UGA ID Card allows for access to many of the services on campus. To request your UGA CARD you will need to complete the Campus Visitor Request Form. If you will be working in the Coverdell Center, be sure to request a proximity card.
After obtaining your UGA ID Card, you will need to visit Office of Research in room 147 of Coverdell. The front desk will provide you with an access request form, once completed return the form to the front desk. It may take 24 – 48 hours to activate your card. If you are working in a Center lab not located in Coverdell, inquire with your faculty sponsor about the proper procedure for access.
Note: Access to the Coverdell Center Rodent Vivarium can only be granted by Animal Resources. If you need access to the facility, inquire with your faculty sponsor as to the proper procedure.
UGA MyID provides you with access to online services such as the PAWS-secure Wi-Fi and email. To create a MyID account, visit the EITS website.
Information for Faculty Sponsors
Procedures for hosting a visiting scholar for 21 consecutive days or more can be found on Office of Research’s website.
For international visitors, view the Departmental Guide to Hosting a J-1 Exchange Visitor.