Diego Huet
The Huet lab investigates the highly divergent metabolic adaptations of apicomplexan parasites, a group of single-celled eukaryotes that cause morbidity, mortality and substantial economic loss worldwide. Members of the apicomplexans include the causative agents of malaria (Plasmodium spp.), cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium spp.) and toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii). Our work focuses on T. gondii as a model to study the unique aspects of apicomplexan biology. In the majority of these organisms, important metabolic pathways take place within two endosymbiotic organelles: the mitochondrion and the apicoplast, a relict plastid of algal origin. We use genetic, biochemical and cellular approaches combined with metabolomics and proteomics to study the unique aspects of the apicomplexan endosymbiotic organelles. Our research aims to understand the highly divergent biology of apicomplexan organelles to reveal phylum-specific adaptations and possible vulnerabilities as therapeutic targets.
- Huet D, Blisnick T, Perrot S, Bastin P. IFT25 is required for the construction of the trypanosome flagellum. J Cell Sci. 2019. PubMed PMID: 30709917.
- Huet D, Rajendran E, van Dooren GG, Lourido S. Identification of cryptic subunits from an apicomplexan ATP synthase. Elife. 2018. PubMed PMID: 302040.85.
- Sidik SM, Huet D, Lourido S. CRISPR-Cas9-based genome-wide screening of Toxoplasma gondii. Nature Protocols. 2018. PubMed PMID: 29323662.
- Sidik SM*, Huet D*, Ganesan SM, Huynh MH, Wang T, Nasamu AS, Thiru P, Saeij JPJ, Carruthers VB, Niles JC, Lourido S. A Genome-wide CRISPR Screen in Toxoplasma Identifies Essential Apicomplexan Genes. Cell. 2016. PubMed PMID: 27594426.
- Huet D, Blisnick T, Perrot S, Bastin P. The GTPase IFT27 is involved in both anterograde and retrograde intraflagellar transport. Elife. 2014. PubMed PMID: 24843028.
- Subota I, Julkowska D, Vincensini L, Reeg N, Buisson J, Blisnick T, Huet D, Perrot S, Santi-Rocca J, Duchateau M, Hourdel V, Rousselle JC, Cayet N, Namane A, Chamot-Rooke J, Bastin P. Proteomic analysis of intact flagella of procyclic Trypanosoma brucei cells identifies novel flagellar proteins with unique sub-localization and dynamics. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 2014.PubMed PMID: 24741115
- Rotureau B, Ooi CP, Huet D, Perrot S, Bastin P. Forward motility is essential for trypanosome infection in the tsetse fly. Cellular Microbioly. 2014. PubMed PMID: 24134537.
Trainee Spotlight: Megna Tiwari
Diego Huet zeroes in on parasite that affects thousands each year
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
345A Coverdell Center (office)
376 Coverdell Center (lab)