Employee Information
New Employee Orientation
New employees and current employees changing benefits eligibility status will complete all required paperwork and obtain information about benefits in the UGA Onboarding site. An email will be sent to the employee from onboard@uga.edu with instructions. You may also find the New Hire Toolkit helpful.
Questions regarding the Onboarding System should be directed to Human Resources at 706-542-2222 or onboard@uga.edu.
UGA MyID – Creating a UGA Email Account
A UGA MyID will give you access to UGA email and many other services on campus. To obtain a MyID, visit the MyID home page and select “Request a MyID”.
Email is accessed through the web. UGAmail can be configured to work with Desktop mail clients such as Outlook and Mac Mail.. For more information on using UGAmail with a desktop client, see EITS’s help website.
Your UGA MyId also gives you access to Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus, which can be installed on up to 5 devices.
See the Technology Checklist for setting up other technology needs.
ArchPass/Duo Enrollment
Some UGA systems require more than your MyID and password for access. For these systems and applications, you’ll need to use ArchPass, UGA’s two-step login solution, which is powered by Duo. Instructions for enrolling your phone or tablet in Archpass.
Every employee should obtain a UGA ID card. For employees needing access to Coverdell Center, a proximity card is required. The UGA Card office is located in the Tate Student Center in room 309. The North-South bus travels from Coverdell Center to Tate Center.
Once you have your UGA ID Card, you can access the many services available on campus including Parking, Libraries, and Ramsey Center for Physical Activities.
Email Listservs
The Center maintains three email listservs to communicate information to the department. Please contact Donna or Annie with your email address to be added.
CTEGD-all: This listserv is for general announcements such as seminar reminders and administrative information. Anyone on this listserv can send a message to the listserv.
CTEGD-Trainees: This listserv is for graduate students and post-doctoral trainees. Job-related announcements as well as University-wide training information are shared. Anyone on the listserv can send a message to the listserv so this is a way to connect with other trainees in the department.
CTEGD-Fac: This listerv is for faculty. Any faculty members on this listserv can send messages to the listserv.
Access to Coverdell
Access to the building and the laboratories is regulated by a proximity card. After obtaining your proximity card from UGA Card Services, please submit the Proximity Access Form. After completing the form it can take 24 – 48 hours before access is granted.
Note: Access to the Rodent Vivarium can only be granted by Animal Resources. Please check with your faculty supervisor about the procedure for access.
If you are joining one of our labs that is not housed in the Coverdell Center, your faculty supervisor will advise you on getting keys and access to their lab.
Parking is available near the Coverdell Center in both the parking deck and surface lots. Parking Services at UGA is responsible for all lots and a permit is required for any one bringing a car to campus during business hours. The lots closest to the Coverdell Center are S14, S15, and S16. The parking deck in S15 offers an hourly rate for non-permit holders. If you prefer to walk, ride the bus, bike, or carpool to campus on a regular basis, Parking Services offers an Alternative Transportation Program.
Human Resources
The Human Resources Employee website provides information about benefits, retirement , training, and employee discounts.
UGA has several policies and procedures that govern travel for business purposes. Regardless of who is reimbursing travel-related expenses or if there are no costs associated with the trip, every trainee, employee, and faculty member is required to complete a Travel Authorization prior to the trip. The Travel Authorization form should be completed by the travel through OneSource. For step-by-step instructions, please see the Travel & Expenses training modules.
In-state, out-of-state, and international travel have slightly different requirements, particularly for reimbursement costs. Please see Accounts Payable’s travel site for information on requesting travel-related reimbursements.
Letterhead, logos, and other branding resources
The UGA Brand Toolkit includes UGA logos as well as detailed guidance on logo use, co-branding, typography, colors, graphic elements, photography, digital and print standards. Guidelines and procedures have been developed to help our institution consistently communicate its brand, specifically in print and electronic communications. Many templates and graphic design elements are available in the Download Center.
Letterhead and envelopes for the Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases are available in the Center’s main office (335 Coverdell Center). UGA approved digital letterhead templates are available in the Download Center on the UGA Brand website. In addition to letterhead templates, other Office Templates are available for things such as PowerPoint Presentation, Agenda, Invoice, and Name Tags.
Several versions of the UGA-approved CTEGD logo can be downloaded from the Office of Research’s website.
The Office of Research’s Branding for Administrative Units provides additional branding guidelines and resources, including Zoom backgrounds.
Reserving meeting space in Coverdell Center
There are several meeting spaces available in the Coverdell Center including conference rooms, seminar hall, lounge, lobby, and rotunda. The Office of Research oversees the reservations of these spaces and they have provided instructions for making reservations on their website.